Frisella FAQs
A: LED lights have seen a huge surge in popularity over the last several years, and for good reason. LED stands for “light emitting diode”. Rather than an incandescent bulb, which relies on an overheated wire to produce light, LEDs produce light when a tiny amount of energy is passed through a semiconductor made from two different materials.
Despite the complicated-sounding description, LEDs are actually incredibly simple to produce, have longer lifespans than incandescent bulbs, and are significantly more efficient – typically about 90% more.
A: Temperature is a huge difference when it comes to choosing between LED and incandescent bulbs. For the average 100 Watt bulb, an incandescent light will run at more than 335 degrees, compared to less than 90 degrees for a comparable LED bulb.
Managing heat is an important part of ensuring the lifespan of an LED bulb. Hotter temperatures can cause bulbs to degrade more quickly, reducing the amount of light they’re able to put out. All LED bulbs include a heat sink to absorb and dissipate the heat produced by the bulb. However, if you’re planning on a specialized or large-scale lighting project, it’s best to consult a professional to ensure you choose the bulbs and fixtures that will produce the best results for the longest time.
A: The lifespan of a specific LED bulb (or bulb type) will vary due to a lot of different factors. The average lifespan for most LEDs is about 25,000 hours, with high quality bulbs averaging closer to 50,000 hours. If you leave the lights on 12 hours a day, that would give you more than 11 years of operation from a high-quality bulb.
Since LED lights begin dimming as they wear out, rather than completely burning out, the “end” of an LED’s lifespan is defined as the point at which their light output has been reduced by 30%. The most common factor that affects LED lifespan, aside from the quality of the construction and materials used, is degradation due to heat.
Working with a lighting professional on a larger project can help you to choose not just the right manufacturer, but the right bulb design and fixture type to ensure optimal performance from your LED lighting for years to come.
A: Energy usage is measured by the kilowatt hour – that’s the “per kWh” you see on your electric bill each month. While the specific amount of power drawn will vary by bulb, LED lights are generally 80-90% more energy efficient than a comparable incandescent bulb. For example, an LED flood light that is the equivalent of a 120 Watt incandescent bulb will generally draw around 13 Watts – just under 11% of what the incandescent draws.
Of course, wattage (power used) is not the same as lumens (light output), so it’s important to consider both factors when choosing the right bulb for your home.
A: This can be a problem for homeowners attempting to install their own landscape lighting. It’s important to choose bulbs with the correct amount of lumens (brightness) for different parts of your exterior. You also need to locate and angle the lights correctly so they don’t turn night into day inside your home (or your next door neighbor’s).
At Frisella, we understand the importance of lighting – inside and out. Our experienced lighting designers will create a plan that enhances security and highlights your home’s existing architecture and landscaping. Then, they’ll work with our technicians to choose the correct bulbs and fixtures for your needs, and install them in a way that complements the landscape and doesn’t interfere with anyone’s interior lighting.
A: Absolutely. Having the right outdoor lighting design immediately enhances your home’s curb appeal. It can also contribute to home security by eliminating dark areas where intruders could enter without being seen, as well as providing you with attractive outdoor living and entertaining spaces.
Whether you plan to sell or have found your forever home, professional outdoor lighting can help bring your dreams to light.
A: There are a lot of reasons we’ve been delighting St. Louis customers for more than a decade, but we think they can best be summed up in three words: Service. Experience. Simplicity.
Our mission first and foremost is always to serve our customers in a manner that brings honor to God, by acting with character, purpose, and integrity. We don’t just want to put up some lights and leave – we want to bring you a greater sense of joy and security in your home.
Our talented lighting designers and technicians have the experience needed to help you choose high-quality materials that are right for your home and lighting design needs. And finally, we make the process so much simpler for our clients. No trips to the hardware store, hours comparing bulbs and designs, or worrying about wiring. We handle it all from start to finish, and even offer a range of service plans so you can enjoy your outdoor lighting hassle-free for years to come.
A: Every lighting design we do is different, customized to the needs of your space and your style. However, learning more is absolutely free. With our complimentary nighttime demo, not only will you get a free quote and a no-pressure chance to ask questions and learn more about what sets Frisella Outdoor Lighting apart – you’ll also get to see your home in a whole new light.
Give us a call today at 314-287-2566, or fill out our contact form to schedule your free nighttime lighting demo.
Book Your Complimentary
Nighttime Outdoor Lighting Demo!
No-pressure, no-commitment way to see your home in a new light with professionally installed exterior lighting.

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An Outdoor Living Oasis
Research shows that spending time outdoors is good for us – in addition to getting your daily dose of vitamin D, just spending time in the fresh air can boost your mood, restore your energy, and enhance your creativity.